The Holographic World
The New Era Molecules


Somewhere on the horizon of events of Sagittarius A, a better world is originating right now. A new Solar System is being created, as well as a new Earth—they will be the beginning of an amazing life. A new humanity is also going to rise, one which will replace evil with good, and hatred—with love. The first gene is just being formed. I was transformed into the atoms of carbon to make a part of it. My role is to use the knowledge and experience of humanity that still inhabits the old Earth, with the aim for the new people to avoid committing similar errors as they have made on this planet. Will I succeed? I do not know.

The plot of the book is supplemented with the Vademecum. This is a part of the book written in the journalist–encyclopedic style that is supposed to explain to the readers the world of atoms, contemporary scientific theories on the subject of the origination of the first gene, and the silhouettes of the prominent philosophers, the characters from the fiction part of the book.

The New Era Molecules, the fourth part of the „Holographic World” series, takes the readers on an exhilarating journey across the microscopic world of genetics and chemistry, offering an unique insight into various processes of creation of life on the molecular level.

Enter this reality and discover the mystery of life!



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The New Era Molecules”

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