The Holographic World
Consciousness of the Universe


For thousands of years, people have been endeavoring to discover what consciousness is. Is it the source and the maker of existence or, perhaps, solely an effect of neurological processes that happen inside the brain? Numerous conceptions have been developed to date; however, the truth is that even today we do not know the answer to this question.

In the fifth part of the „Holographic World” series, I strive to gain an insight into this mystery by exploring all past knowledge at the meeting point of science, quantum physics, philosophy, and mathematics. I am transformed into a Qubit of Consciousness and I travel through the space–time continuum, experiencing the phenomena that occur beyond the reach of human senses. This unusual journey lets me discover new aspects of existence and comprehension of the world.

The plot of the Consciousness of the Universe takes place in scenical Japan, portraying the history of this country as well as its fascinating climate and culture. Every step of this voyage demonstrates to us how we may perceive consciousness in reality that surrounds us—from the microscopic particles to the immense structures of the cosmos. The plot is supplied with the Vademecum written in the journalist–encyclopedic style, its goal is to acquaint the readers with scientific theories regarding consciousness and communication in nature.

I invite you to discover all those mysteries together with me!



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Consciousness of the Universe”

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